- Gain Inner Peace And Tranquility
- Increase Your Self Awareness
- Become More Down To Earth
- It can Cure Insomnia
- It Can Be A Source For Inspiration
- Meditation Results In An Overall Better You
So What Is Meditation, Mind, Body, And Spirit All About?
You will learn only 6 powerful reasons you should start meditating today, but there are many more.Meditation is the art of silencing the mind, allowing concentration to increase and inner peace to emerge in the midst of a world full of negative energy.To truly understand how this constant negativity can affect your mind, you need to look at your mind like a lake.When someone throws a rock into the lake,ripples are created, rising until they reach the shore and disappear.

Now imagine your thoughts are the waves inside your mind.Just like throwing something in the lake will create ripples, being regularly exposed to the negative thoughts and overthinking what may or may not happen, will distort your mind’s calmness and leave you with the feeling of anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, in a desperate attempt to conquer these negative thoughts and restore calmness to our lives, we end up allowing our negative thoughts to control the way we think instead.
When you find yourself plagued by negative thoughts,anxiety, or worry, it is important to remember, that like the ripples in the lake, your thoughts you are having will rise and fall in intensity.Instead of trying to prevent your thoughts from coming through, you need to allow your thoughts to come and go, allowing the negativity float away. A good way to do this is through meditation. Here are five reasons why you should start meditation.
Gain Inner Peace And Tranquility
Picture your mind as like your room, if you do not clean up your room after some time the clutter would stop you from being able to get into it. Just like your room you have to clean out your mind, get rid of the negative thoughts, emotions, energy and a ton of junk that piles up.

This negativity we hold onto affects our body, heart, mind, and soul.There are many sources that we interact with daily; the media,other people throughout our day, the environment, our job, and even from within ourselves. If meditation isn’t in your daily routine, this negative junk accumulates inside of you over time.
After a single session of meditation you clear the negativity and send that energy back to the earth to be converted into positive energy. This accomplishes the release of anxiety and stress of life.
After you consistently start practicing meditation, you will find that you’ve reached an absolute calmness in your mind. This calmness in your mind will lead to an increased level of self awareness.
Increase Your Level Of Self-Awareness
Did you know that you have approximately 60,000 thoughts running through your mind in a single day?With all of those thoughts running through your mind on a daily basis, it can be hard to know what you are thinking, which can create a struggle to figure out what you ultimately want out of life.
Meditation is a way to help calm the chaos in your mind, causing clarity and focus on your desires.Meditation helps increase your self awareness.The thoughts that you have can be about things that you are dealing with in your life, as well as things that you may not be conscious of but they are always in the back of your mind.

Individuals who do not meditate on a regular basis, are not able to pick up on many of the thousand thoughts that run through your mind in just an hour. Those who meditate are more aware of these thoughts and recognize more of these than others. Self awareness can be achieved through your daily practice of meditation. You become more conscious of what you think, the way you think, what you want, and what you feel.
This clarity is an essential part of your daily life decision making. Gaining this clarity in life, from meditation, will make you less likely to be influenced by factors of the outside world, and more conscious of who you are.
Become More Down To Earth And Grounded
As you begin your meditation practice, you become unattached to the physical world, and begin to observe your own reality.You become more aware of the kinds of feelings and thoughts running through you. You begin to observe how people act, and your environment. This allows your ego to no longer run you,instead, you become more aligned with your higher self.You become more grounded, calm, and level-headed.
The time between which the stimulus and your reaction to it grows longer and longer. With meditation, you can find the time to observe, process, and assess everything that is happening around you.In the past, situations may have resulted in conscious lowering behaviors.Meditation will allow you to,better deal with events, without having your consciousness lowered. It allows you to handle them more objectively, allowing you to process it without your ego stepping in the way.
Meditation Can Cure Insomnia

Insomnia, or having trouble falling asleep affects millions of Americans daily. This lack of sleep can make you feel like you cannot accomplish anything or lousy, this also can ultimately negatively affect your health. A recent study has revealed that participating in mindful meditation, a process to calm your mind and help you relax, can help with Insomnia.One of many reasons why insomnia causes many to suffer is because they get bombarded with many thoughts and can not shut them off.
This ultimately can result in constant stress, anxiety, and depression.
Regular meditation helps clear your mind, allowing you to slip more easily into sleep and stay asleep through the night.
Meditation not only helps you fall asleep easier, your quality of sleep will improve as well.Taking the time to meditate before you go to sleep removes the clutter and sets your mind at ease for a more peaceful rest.
Meditation before going to sleep, also helps you to consciously resolve any emotional issues that may have happened throughout the day, allowing your subconscious mind to become restful and alleviate the need for it to wake you up at night. Longer and more restful sleep, that you achieve with meditation, will allow you to wake up energized and ready to start your day.
Meditation Can Be A Great Source For Inspiration
The majority of us are only utilizing about one percent of our brain. Your physical self and your ego are what controls this one percent. That means that the remaining 99 percent of your intelligence lives in your subconscious mind. It is this 99 percent where your most powerful ideas lie.
This part of the brain is where you get your inspiration, your best solutions to problems, and your greatest ideas.The power of the subconscious mind is what many great leaders used in their daily lives to find the clarity and insight needed to succeed.
People who work in jobs that require a significant amount of creativity, such as musicians and artists, have either learned how to access their subconscious mind or can naturally do it themselves.
Meditation allows you to tap into the 99 percent, usually being shut out from our physical lives. This ultimately allows you to gain instant, new ideas, and answers that you couldn’t have generated with your conscious mind.
If you are looking for new ideas for something you are working on or are trying to work through a frustrating problem that you can’t seem to solve, try meditating on it and see what you get.This constant practice, allows you to strengthen the connection you have with your subconscious mind. After time, you will find the solutions that have been created by your subconscious mind are often more insightful and better than those created by your conscious mind.
Meditation Results In An Overall Better You
There are many things that can benefit you as you begin your journey of meditation. You become a more self aware, happier, and the best version of you that you ultimately thought you could ever be.
With regular practice, meditation places you in the position of getting even more out of your life every day. If you have determination and really want to achieve the best results from meditation,daily practice, and passion will lead you to the finish line of a happier and healthier life.