4 Ways the Pandemic Changed Our Lives and What We Can Do Now to Thrive


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The pandemic changed our lives in many ways, but not all of these changes have been negative. On the upside, there were fewer cold and flu cases thanks to masking and social distancing, and many of us were able to experience the benefits of working remotely and spending more time at home with our families. We’ve also changed the way we eat and shop for groceries, which has encouraged some of us to improve our diets and take control of our health.

Of course, the pandemic has negatively impacted our lives as well. Many of us have struggled to achieve a healthy work-life balance while working from home with our kids and partners in tow, while others have experienced job losses or pay cuts. Some gained weight or fell off the fitness wagon as a result of gym closures, stress, and negative lifestyle choices. Others are experiencing long-term health effects of COVID-19, and millions have lost loved ones to the virus. 

While some of these life changes have been positive, any type of change is difficult for most people. To learn how to cope with major lifestyle changes from COVID-19, check out these tips from Alter Mindset

1. Spending More Time at Home

Prior to COVID-19, only a small percentage of employees worked from home — and even fewer students participated in online learning. Most of the world commuted to and from work or school each day before gathering with friends, family, colleagues, and classmates in the evening. 

But even for the essential workers who couldn’t complete their jobs remotely throughout the pandemic, many were spending more of their free time at home amidst lockdowns and safety concerns. This created lots of stress, anxiety, burnout, and childcare challenges for all types of households.

While there are pros and cons of spending more time at home, there are several things you can do to navigate this new normal:

  • Clean and declutter your home. To make your home a much more peaceful place to live, work, and play, clean and declutter, let in some natural light, and burn sage to clear your space of bad energy. Excess clutter, constant arguments, and negative thinking are all signs of bad energy in a house.
  • Search for a new place. Perhaps you’ve decided your current living arrangement isn’t working. If so, start by familiarizing yourself with the market to find out which features home buyers want most. 
  • Work through relationship challenges. Even households without children have experienced challenges amidst COVID-19. Sarah Hanlon of The Knot offers some tips for overcoming these relationship challenges
  • Start your own business. Time at home has probably given you an idea for your own business, so get it started! 

If you’re working remotely for the long haul, it’s also crucial to design a home office space. Make sure to choose a good location for your home workspace, purchase the right furniture and equipment, and keep clutter to a minimum.

2. Shopping for Groceries Online

Grocery delivery spiked amidst COVID-19, but the convenience of online shopping isn’t without challenges. Between stocking issues and late deliveries, many delivery services have struggled to meet increased demands throughout the pandemic. 

If Instacart alone isn’t cutting it, it may be time to explore some other options. Whole Foods on Amazon, Cornershop by Uber, and Costco are several options, while others can take advantage of Amazon Fresh, Imperfect Foods, and Dumpling.

3. Promoting Wellness at Home

Spending so much time at home has meant rethinking some habits for maintaining our personal wellness. Fortunately, you don’t have to work on your wellness alone. Consider individual personal training and nutrition programs to help you look and feel your best, regardless of whether or not you can get out of the house.

To help facilitate your wellness focus, check out some home products like kitchen gadgets or exercise equipment that can help make things easier. Before committing to any purchases, read online reviews to get a sense of what will be right for you. The last thing you want to do is waste money on an inferior product.

4. Wearing Face Masks in Public

Face masks offer protection against COVID-19, but wearing a face mask has its challenges. Masks can make communication more difficult, cause glasses to fog, and can be uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. 

Like working remotely and isolating when feeling sick, mask-wearing could be the new normal. As such, it’s important to find ways to make mask-wearing as comfortable as possible and keep extra masks on hand at all times. 

It’s Possible to Thrive in the New Normal

As challenging as the pandemic has been for many of us, it’s possible to thrive in the new normal — and hopefully, these tips will help to make that happen. The world will continue to change and evolve as time goes on, but remote working, online grocery shopping, and at-home wellness are likely here to stay. We might as well make the most of it!

Alter Mindset is passionate about all things that have anything to do with self improvement and improving the quality of lives. Feel free to browse our store!

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